Power Management is super important,the Pi3b+ has a very specific voltage/amps requirements.Cooling is a major factor.Remember this,no matter what your using your pi for,you can cook fairly easy.{The device is powered by 5V micro USB. Exactly how much current (mA) the Raspberry Pi requires is dependent on which model you are using, and what you hook up to it. We recommend a 2.5A (2500mA) power supply, from a reputable retailer, that will provide you with enough power to run your Raspberry Pi for most applications, including use of the 4 USB ports. Very high-demand USB devices may however require the use of a powered hub. The table below outlines the specific power requirements of each model.}This is from the faqs spec sheet that I know from experience is wrong.Depending on stock or overclock,and the usb current your pulling you could possible need up to 6 or 7 amps.The problem is heat and thermal throttling.Whats the point of overclocking if your gonna be pushed back to a safe clock speed according what the pi says?I personally use buck converters,I also use actual pc heatsinks with arctic cool thermal paste. I have 3-3b+pies,and 2 pi2’s.I honestly wish they would have stuck with the pi2 power system.But that does not matter.Remember this,overclocked pies,no matter what model will automatically shorten the life expectancy.But that doesn’t mean it’s gonna burn up.My pi2s have been going strong since day one.I bought the pre-release.I cooked my first pie3b+ because I tried to use the same use the same psu and cooling from my pi2.The pi3b+ has basically its own switch-mode built in.This means it can be cooked a lot easier.I’m not gonna get a technical on you guys,just be cautious.,I also installed a trimpot or a potentiometer
for fine tuning.