What all have you done to clean it up, and which release are you using?
I could help out a lot more if I could figue out how to access the config.txt when the system has crashed and is unbootable, so far I am having to reflash the SD card evertime. Cannot find the file in linux or windows. Help?
Whenever I use the WOR tool I can access it
You mean from an already installed installiation or will I have to completly reinstall my build of windows on WOR
I need to know how to access the config file without having to reflash, surely someone knows? This is the last I need to finish my optimizations and Im being held back by the 25 minutes reflashes when something goes wrong.
So do win+x >Disk Management>Find what disk is your sd card(Probs DISK2 if you have an SSD/HDD and a Second one or an Optical drive)> You will see a Smail partition, right-click it>
Click on Change Drive Letters and Paths> Press Add> Click on Assign the Following drive letter and select the letter, That will be your drive. @KUPOkinz
From an installation done using WOR the partition shows up on explorer.