How-to: installing windows 10 arm64 (17134) on your raspberry pi 3 and 4

If the USB-C port is not working then the Firmware isn’t compatible / latest version.
Or try another usb c dock/cable.

Im now trying to test another script from microsoft so we don’t have to delete the truncate memory

Boot Parameters to Test in a Low-memory Environment in Windows

To simulate a low-memory environment, use the BCDedit /set command and the removememory option to modify a boot entry. Set the value of removememory to the amount of physical memory on the system minus the desired memory size for this test.

For example, to limit the memory of a computer with 2 GB of physical memory to a maximum of 512 MB of available memory, set the value of the removememory parameter to 1536 (2 GB (2048 MB) - 512 MB = 1536 MB).

The following example shows a BCDEdit command used to remove 1536 MB of memory from the total available to the system for the specified boot entry.


bcdedit /set {18b123cd-2bf6-11db-bfae-00e018e2b8db} removememory 1536

You can also use the truncatememory option with the bcdedit /set command to achieve the same result. When you use this option, Windows ignores all memory at or above the specified physical address. Specify the address in bytes. For example, the following command sets the physical address limit at 1 GB for the specified boot entry. You can specify the address in decimal (1073741824) or hexadecimal (0x40000000).


bcdedit /set {18b123cd-2bf6-11db-bfae-00e018e2b8db} truncatememory Ox40000000

Because the removememory option makes more efficient use of system memory, its use is recommended instead of truncatememory .

When you are finished testing, you can remove the removememory and truncatememory boot entry options using the BCDEdit /deletevalue command.

Can I use it with more than 1GB ram, without RPi3? I also can’t understand how to use your rpi4 driver… Sorry for my less knowledge because I’m newbie of this…

type-c port include the power port type-c in pi 4?

Well I know it isn’t a hardware issue because when I flash the one that’s already done to an ssd, it works fine. It’s when I put it all on the SD card that I can’t get it working.

Wow I must have missed this a thousand times. I didn’t realize oobe had to be set up on a Pi3. I just moved and can’t find mine. Is there any way that someone can upload their SD card image with windows installed on the card? That seems to be my issue.

Alright. Everything is set up on the micro SD card and it boots from there with working keyboard and mouse. The only issue I’m running into is that the processor runs at .6 despite it being changed in UEFI. I also tried changing the config and setting that to 1400 made it run at .56 in windows for some reason. Could anyone help me out here? As soon as I can get the speed working at 2.2, I’ll upload a .img for everyone here to flash to their SD card. I just can’t figure out why it’s running so slow despite my changing these settings.

If your rPi is underclocking itself that is happening because your power supply is too weak.

is here anyone german? i can´t follow the instruction step by step

I’ll try mine with the 3 amp RPi power supply. I have an adapter coming tomorrow to use it with my otg cable. Aside from it being underclocked, it works flawlessly on the SD card. I think it’s actually faster than when I had an SSD connected simply because of using low speed hub. I’ve been waiting a year for this. I can’t thank everyone involved enough. Especially during a time like this. It gives me something to do! If someone can tell me exactly how to make a .img of both the boot and windows partitions (cloning the drive) then I’ll do it so other people can just flash it for now. The process is somewhat complex for people who are new here.

Maybe Macrium Reflect (Free) can made a image from the SD card :slight_smile:

Macrium Reflect works fine because I tried it last night, but you would have to have Macrium reflect to flash the image. I’m looking to just make a regular .img file.

For creating an .img of the SD card I’ve always used simply dd in unix… (dd if=sdx conv=noerror,sync progress=status of=img.bak)
You can of course also shrink the sdcard partition before creating the backup to save memory.
For flashing back the .img to a new SD card you can use etcher on any platform.

Yes, im german. Schreib mir privat, wenn du Hilfe brauchst.

Or maybe you have simply fergot to truncate the RAM to 1GB because the usb-c-driver will not load If you haven’t commited the bcedit command.

Absolutely. Windows on raspi4 is imho just a playground thing atm and really not usable in production. (Don’t get me wrong, I think the Pi can handle it - the problem are the missing drivers on Windows for arm. I think it will take at least one more year until we can use win10 in raspi4 fully(!) functional)

I’ve tried my 7’’ Touch Screen some weeks ago with win10 in raspi4 and as expected it didn’t worked. And a don’t think it will work in the near future aswell.

I couldn’t use Macrium Reflect like I thought. It doesn’t work on removable storage. I’m uploading a backup image now to Mega, but anyone who wants to use it will have to use AOMEI Backupper to restore it to their card. However, this will be plug and play and no additional steps will be required once you flash the card.

Also, I can’t get my speed to go above 1.5ghz no matter what I try. Power supply is adequate and I’ve seen a screenshot running at 2.2 - can anyone help me here?

Add those lines


to config.txt to overclock your rPi but you will need to get a heatsink and/or a fan for CPU then. This will increase CPU speed to 1.7Ghz but it will raise power usage and heat production.

I have heat sinks on each chip and a fan. I’m currently running stable at 2.0ghz, but when I check in windows it only tells me 1.86. Any reason why?

Alright here is a link. Know that you’ll be logging in using my name since I set it up, but you can always change all of that information later. All you need to do is download “AOMEI Backupper” and restore the image to your SD card. This is plug and play so no further steps are required other than to run your RPi and test it out. Note for those of you who are doing this for your first time, that the splash screen at the beginning hangs for a while before things start working so be patient. Enjoy!!2kYiAY5A!KPMEVDhPtm2UzHD0CfezMVxSHhmv25PPhczbX1VYEB4

EDIT: The config file here is not set to overclock the way that I currently am, so you’ll need to add that option if you’d like to overclock your device. The highest arm_freq that I’ve been able to run without issues is 2000. 2200 is unstable and I haven’t tried anything in between.


I use 2147 as the fastest overclock